Orienteering Genoa Old Town

Orienteering - team building

Genoa Old Town



Orienteering Genoa Old Town.

”You will see a royal city, leaning against an alpine hill, ‘superb’ for men and for walls, whose appearance indicates the Signora del mare” wrote Francesco Petrarca, famous writer of the ‘300, about Genoa.

The royal city of which he spoke has remained mostly intact and unchanged over the centuries, in fact today indicates the historic center, characterized by a maze of alleys (‘caruggi” in Genoese) and many other historical riches.

What better way to immerse yourself in the history of the Ligurian capital than through an orienteering experience with Seifuori?

Provided with a map and compass – as if you were real explorers – and independently (under the vision of an expert guide), you will have the goal of reaching a place ‘X’ across a path that involves the main points of interest of the city center: logically we are not listing them, you will have to discover them by putting yourself in play through this activity!

Obviously, for those who come to this type of experience for the first time will be explained the basic notions of orientation for reading a map and using the compass.

We are waiting for you!

Departure Time and Meeting Point:

9:30 am from Palazzo San Giorgio

Please notice:

Places available are limited to make the excursion more exclusive.

Are you alone and want to make the tour? Contact us

For more info see the Terms & Conditions seifuori

If you wish to customize or book a private tour, contact us +39 351 5525365

Each tour is different, to allow you to find exactly the experience you want.